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Westcliffe, Colorado

Foxhaven Collies

Foxhaven Farm: Lise & Bill Morgan

Nature and Nurture: A Fine Balance

Six years ago, we moved to the lovely Wet Mountain Valley, near the small town of Westcliffe, to wind down from city life and give our animal family the best possible life. Currently, we have five horses, a donkey, three ducks, four barn cats, one Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier and six Collies.

We have bred Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers for nearly 30 years. While we adore the breed, our move to the mountains opened up new possibilities. We are fortunate to have Shelley Bergstraser & Laura Kling (Wild Wind Collies) and Stacy Kim mentor us and place their Rose, our foundation bitch, with our family. Our lives continue to be greatly enriched by the wonderful world of collies and their people.

Our animals form the center of our lives. My husband Bill competes with our horses in competitive trail rides, endurance and driving. I compete in obedience and conformation with our collies; I also do therapy work with our wheaten terriers, collies and miniature horse.

We have a limited breeding program with both our collies and wheaten terriers. As members of the local and national breed clubs we adhere and fully support the Code of Ethics. We are also members of the Collie Health Foundation. We pride ourselves in producing healthy & sound puppies, which includes a focus on temperaments, health testing (eyes, OFA & genetic testing) and embrace Puppy Culture to raise well socialized puppies ready for their next adventure in their forever homes.  Please check out our "Puppy Diary" (see link on our menu bar) for a week-by-week peek into our rearing practices.


Our DoGS


Rose is our elegant matriarch. She is our foundation bitch from our friend & breed mentor, Shelley Bergstraser of Wild Wind Collies. Rose enjoys her volunteer work as a therapy dog, and has begun her obedience career.


Gracie is a bright and steady dog. She is a stunning tri-color and a fabulous mover. She was our pick from Rose's first litter. With limited showing, she finished with five majors; one of which was at our Colorado Collie Club Specialty (2021).  She will soon go onto being a mommy (stay tuned). Then, she will onto her performance career.


Paige is a playful and intelligent dog. She is so much like her mother Rose. We co-own Paige with Chuck Bessant. Paige made us proud earning Best of Winners at our Colorado Collies Club Specialty (2022), finishing with four majors.  Paige is working towards her Grand Championship and therapy dog certification. Paige recently won Best In Specialty Show (BISS), Nebraska Collie Club Specialty.


Annie is our youngest collie. This beautiful puppy was the pick of  the Gamble x Rose litter. She shows promise in both conformation and obedience.  Annie recently won Bred By Herding Group One at the 2024 Colorado Kennel Club show. She is sweet natured, thoroughly enjoys training and ice cubes!

Up & Coming Youngster

Sir Lancelot of Juell -- LANCE

GCHB CH Juell's Prince George x CH Foxhaven Wild Wind's Run for the Roses, BN CGCA

Lance is enjoying showing and charming every person and animal he meets.  He is fast friends with all the dogs, of course, and has a special fondness for our barn cat, Diesel, and our miniature stallion, Legend. We are excited to watch him mature. 

Foxhaven collies


From Foxhaven Collie Families

STORY: Foxhaven Wild Wind Life is Full of Wonder

Loved by the Wickliff family, Colorado.

HAWK: Foxhaven The Skies the Limit

Loved by the Goodwin family, California.

HOLLY:   Foxhaven Playing Under the Midnight Sun

Loved by the McPherson family, Alaska

Kira and Avie

I have had wonderful, loyal, fun, goofy and beautiful dogs throughout my life. Walker is one in a million. He loves us all so much and we, of course, love him. I truly cannot imagine life without him. He has attended three different puppy training classes, all seven weeks long. He is the smartest in the class."      Janice 

FUN times!

Rose's puppies were 6 1/2 weeks (Sept., 2020), eager to explore and quick learners. Puppy Culture protocols are used for early socialization and to nurture curiosity seeking behaviors. The equipment we are using is a puppy agility set (, clickers, & yummy treats. Several dog savvy friends (veterinarian, dog trainer, fellow breeder) & myself are gently introducing the challenges. Each station is a mere 2-3 minutes and pups are given a rest after each station. Fun for all!

Upcoming litters: 

BIS NOHS GCHB La-De-Da's Eye Candy x GCH Foxhaven Wild Wind's Grace in Every Step

Super Steve x Gracie

We are thrilled with this match! We expect beautiful healthy puppies with this fine pedigree.

** PREGNANCY CONFIRMED BY ULTRASOUND. Puppies due 11/11/24! **
An application, interview & meet-n-greet are part of our process to determine the "best fit" for each puppy and family. The resource section has some valuable information that will be helpful to you in determining if a collie is the right choice for you.
Foxhaven Collies

Puppies due Oct. 21, 2023

PRINCE:  GCH Juell's Prince George
GCH Valley Park Barnstormer AOM "Barns" x CH Milen's Princess Kate "Katie"
ROSE: CH Wild Wind's Run for the Roses, CD, CGC, CGC-A
GCH CH Wild WInd's Rev on the Red Line, RN  "Flynn" x CH Wild Wind's Silken Dalliance, CD, HSAS "Dallie"
DOB 10/21/2023

Theme of Elegance

 Prince & Rose produced a beautiful litter. Two handsome boys ( smooth sable & a rough  blue merle)  and one lovely girl (rough tri-colored) grace our family.
Foxhaven collies

Weekly Puppy Diary:

 Gamble x Rose litter, 2022

Journey with us as we nurture, love and enjoy this litter of puppies. Gain insight into our rearing and socialization practices. And, smile!!  Each week will pop up in a new tab for your reading pleasure.

Please note:  Our puppies go to their families between 10 - 11 weeks. The eighth week is our puppy wellness exams & vaccinations, structural evaluations and eye exams. Weeks 9-10 include curated and safe community outings; as well as, working with each puppy individually. Daily exercises will be based according to the pup's individual needs with our goal towards preparing them for their families unique situations. For example, if a puppy is going to a family with horses or chickens, our puppies will spend additional time interacting with them.


The “rule of sevens” is a good socialization marker for most puppies. By seven weeks of age the puppies should have experienced seven different things/people/places/experiences as outlined below. Based on my experience and research, this is not a simple check-list but a marker to track progress. The individual developmental needs must also be considered. Additionally, it is VERY important to offer quality positive experiences suitable for each puppy; one size does not fit all or is not necessarily appropriate on the same day for everyone. It is never okay to scare, overwhelm or flood a puppy. Distributive learning applies here too. That is short lessons or experiences followed by rest time. This list combined with the principals and protocols of Puppy Culture serves us well at Foxhaven. The guideline includes:

· Eat from seven different containers

o At Foxhaven treat dispensing toys and snuffle mats apply.

· Meet at least 7 different people

o Puppies born during the holidays have this one nailed; no grinches allowed.

· Ridden at least seven miles in a car

o Since we live over an hour from anywhere, we have the bonus of bumpy country roads, a two-hour road trip for eye exams, friend’s farms to visit and lots of driveway prep before we logged even a mile. Treats, snuffle mats and Adaptil spray serve to create a positive impression.

· Been in a crate at least 7 times

o Puppies play crate games, enjoy chew projects and warm milk in their crates as part of their individual time. Puppies are never forced into a crate or forced to stay. There is an open crate in their indoor and outdoor play areas for them to snuggle into for a nap. They, of course, rode in crates in the car, in small groups.

· Played with seven different toys

o As you know, we have given the puppies a novel toy or two daily; with toys removed each evening and replaced with new ones in the morning. Their brain are sponges soaking up novelty. Curiosity rules the day. So, at Foxhaven it is easily 7 x7!

· Been exposed to 7 different contexts

o With week seven, our emphasis shifts from novel things to novel experiences; although, novel experiences count as ‘novelty’ for us from 3 weeks of age plus. Experiences are always curated, positive, safe, and age appropriate. We have two different play/sleep areas, we have visited three different play yards at our ranch, we have individual training and noodle time in different areas/rooms in our home and we have visited several friend’s homes and the veterinarian eye specialist. We have eaten, played and been cuddled in many places with many very nice people; but always alongside or near our human mom & dad.

· Been played with or taken somewhere alone, without mom or litter mates, 7 different times

o Since mama Rose was done with the velociraptor puppies at about 5 weeks, this was not difficult with all we do with the Puppy Culture protocols. Fortunately, in a week or two, the puppy beasties will pretty much cease ravaging their mama, and then the fun play between mom and pups ensues.

We celebrated this week with a Puppy Party, curated by the Puppy Culture ethic. We used mini agility equipment and our clicker/treats to engage the puppy’s natural curiosity to novelty (both people and equipment). The puppies had never seen the equipment (tunnel, bridge/ramp, and tilt board) nor met the people (two dog trainers and two dog loving friends). They did great and I was so proud of my adventure-seeking, happy tail wagging proteges.

Obviously, these experiences expand and continue throughout the puppy dog’s life. The first 12 weeks is vital to a puppy’s socialization and sets up the puppy to thrive and grow into an emotionally and socially balance adult. The next several months are also key in teaching and training, further building the canine:human bond and setting into place routines and activities that serve the new family well. May many tail wags and smiles pave the way to an exciting lifetime partnership.